Snow Removal

Snow Removal
During snow events please make arrangements to park your car either in a borough parking lot or private property overnight so that we may more easily plow the streets without plowing your vehicle in. Additionally, the Borough does not clear driveways that get blocked in the process of plowing the streets. It is common for the Borough to make two passes on each street. The first pass is to clear a traffic lane. This will be done through the full town. A second pass will then be made to widen the lane from curb to curb. This will clear the parking lanes. If your car is parked in the street we will not be able to do this effectively. It is likely that during this process we may place snow in driveways that have already been cleared. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

§ 232-23. Temporary parking prohibition for snow plowing and removal.
A. Whenever snow has fallen and the accumulation is such that it covers the street or highway, an emergency shall exist and no vehicle shall be parked on the following streets or highways or portions there from indicated. The above parking prohibitions shall remain in effect after the snow has ceased until the streets have been plowed sufficiently and to the extent that parking will not interfere with the normal flow of traffic.

Snow Removal Phases and Process
Prior to Snowfall
When – A winter weather storm is forecast for the region.

Phase 1:  Alert and Pretreatment (Stay informed and be prepared)

  • Monitor weather reports
  • All Borough snow plows are attached to vehicles
  • Salt boxes are installed and loaded
  • Snow blowers are fueled and tested
  • Men are notified of work schedule


  • Snow crews are on alert and, when necessary and possible, will pretreat roads with brine (Wet conditions tend to preclude pretreatment)
  • Residents should move parked cars off streets, this should be advertised in advance and posted on the Borough website (Snow removal vehicles need at least 12-feet to pass down a street)
  • Priority is hills, curves and around the schools
  • Road salt is spread when/where necessary

During Snowfall
When – Snowfall is a significant amount at a minimum of 3 inches.  Snow crews should focus on keeping main arteries passable for emergency vehicles and public transportation.  All residential roads need to be plowed curb to curb

Phase 2:  Plowing

  • 2 Inches or Less - Roadways are only treated; no plowing, which could damage road surfaces
  • 3+ Inches - Plowing generally begins when snow becomes 3-4 inches deep(Initially, residential streets may only be passable with one lane and you may not see bare pavement)
  • All residential roads need to be plowed curb to curb

Road salt is spread when/where necessary

After Snowfall
When – All residential roadways have been cleared curb to curb and/or men are available

Phase 3: Clean-up

  • Snow crews will concentrate on clearing snow from walkways around public buildings and other walking paths.
  • Some crosswalks around schools and at main intersections should be focused on
  • Snow crews will clear all Borough owned parking lots
  • Clear snow from fire hydrants and storm drains
  • Calcium chloride is spread at all public buildings and other walking paths

Click below to view each list:
Snow Shoveling List

Crosswalk List